Friday, March 26, 2010

new food pyramid

Health according to the dictionaries, is a feeling of wellbeing. It was an old concept! Modem definition of health, said that not only feels good, but you might not aware of pain or irritation of the whole body. Furthermore, you, as charlatans who used vim, vitality and strength, a sense of positive health. You have a desire to be and do. You must be free of fatigue. You do not tire easily.

When we thought we could give people much more simple rules keep their bodies in public health. Now I have learned so much about the nature of the disease, the rules have become more complex. Doctors have told you that three or four meals a day can make, and that they would take care of your needs as health. The list includes breakfast at 8, lunch or dinner in the afternoon or supplement in the form of tea or a small snack around 4: 30 in the afternoon and then dinner or dinner around 7: 30 Today we know that some people even better six small meals a day, while others seem only a very healthy lunch, but a good breakfast and dinner, not too big. We are so individual in our building and our constitutions, it is impossible to rule of positive dietary patterns or amounts of food stocks, which applies to all people on them.

Similar considerations apply to rest and sleep. Some people have more rest and sleep, if nothing else. Some of them are able to visit very satisfactory for six hours, others seem to as much as ten or twelve hours sleep to have their best at the moment of waking hours. Eight hours sleep can be marketed as the average of the recognition, but some of the other above and below the average.

Dentistry used to say that everyone at least one quarter of water a day should have, suggesting that the eight-in-one glass for breakfast, one for each meal, one for each meal and before bedtime. Today we know that our hunger and thirst for our purposes may be useful to show what we have a way of liquids. A health expert recommended three glasses of water a day, noting however that it was tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, soup or other liquid. Clean water is a very good drinking milk. If you love food, beverage, including beer, and the daily food should be considered fluid.

Food is not only in bulk, but also includes such specific components of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, mineral salts and vitamins. National Research Council, in its Food and Nutrition Board has a list of basic foods that everyone should have on a daily basis, and may adopt it for the rest of the diet.

Why should I use? Among other reasons, exercise improves strength and muscle tone. This helps to increase blood oxygen, which is accompanied by a coloring matter of red blood cells. It stimulates circulation, to ensure that all tissues have the right amount of oxygen and that waste is transported away. Also, be relaxed, because it is a pleasant duty, if it is done under reasonable circumstances. People who the competition seriously and who are unable to interfere with your nervous system and relax during the exercise does not help, but maybe use the wrong type of damage. Finally, those who point to the end of recovery is slow, it proved to be exercised by the same or even greater damage if the damage would not use at all.

The human body is a self-regulatory mechanisms. Typically, removal of waste in the intestines and the bladder goes without much attention to the person. There is no absolute rule for the removal of the colon. Doctors say once a day is average, but some people go much longer, and others go more often, and quite a range, which is normal for them.

Even swimming can be performed at a surplus. Some people with an absolute obsession about cleanliness. They ran their hands to wash for at least the slightest sign of pollution. These people, in many cases the need for a psychological perspective of the study. Some people enjoy swimming to the point where they are a nuisance not only for himself, but the rest of the family. She weeks long hours in the bath, and end of fatigue. Bath, where a person gasping for a warm bath, too cold, the whole shock mechanism for regulating the heat leaves the body. All types of special baths, including steam rooms, bath with salt water, carbon dioxide baths and ablutions are recommended for such special purposes, but like any other profession they need to provide the individual for specific purposes, and if not regulated, so could be wrong.

One of the first books designed to keep the human health and hygiene was a Bible. The rules are defined in the rest and relaxation and mental attitudes, and diet were all designed for people with a certain period of time. Modem conditions has led to new insights. So one days off vary between people of different races and different religions. Also depends on the attitude of the food between the different races and religions. Scientific research showed that it is not exactly what you are detained in this context the need for regular rest periods to restore tired tissues. The diet should be free of infectious material and visible dirt. Perspective towards life should be modest and moderate.

School of Salerno in the Middle Ages to the book "School of Salerno Scheme. The focus of this guide is moderation in all health and hygiene. Any opinion on the health of your modem to open the book of the same general warning: moderate moderate in all foods, alcohol, work, think, and in particular that mood.

Currently, we focus on how much more anger, anxiety, agitation or anxiety can seriously harm the functioning of various parts of the body. Satisfied mind is essential for a healthy body.

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